NEW Fiction – May – 2023

Author Title Release
Atherton, Nancy Aunt Dimity & the Enchanted Cottage 5/3/22
Bohjalian, Christopher The Lioness 5/10/22
Brown, Dale Countdown to Midnight 5/17/22
Brown, Rita Mae Thrill of the Hunt 5/17/22
Burke, James Lee Every Cloak Rolled in Blood 5/24/22
Gear, Kathleen O’ Neal The Ice Ghost 5/17/22
Glass, Julie Vigil Harbor 5/3/22
Graham, Heather Sound of Darkness 5/24/22
Grisham, John Sparring Partners 5/31/22
Lupica, Mike Robert B. Parker’s Revenge Tour 5/3/22
Lustbader, Eric Omega Rules 5/24/22
Michaels, Fern Secrets 5/31/22
Paretsky, Sara Overboard 5/10/22
Patterson, James 22 Seconds 5/2/22
Quick, Amanda When She Dreams 5/3/22
Roberts, Nora Nightwork 5/24/22
Thayer, Nancy Summer Tide 5/3/22
Thompson, Victoria Murder on Madison Square 5/3/22
Weiner, Jennifer The Summer Place 5/10/22
Weir, Alison The Last White Rose 5/10/22
Williams, Beatriz The Lost Summers of Newport 5/17/22

If you would like to put any of these titles on hold, visit the online catalog here. Please note some items may not appear in the catalog YET, especially if you are searching for something prior to its release date.