A copy of our complete Pandemic Policy is available here.

The Frank B. Koller Memorial Library of Manitowish Waters is open.

Limited library hours will be 9-4 Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Curbside Pickup will continue to be available 24/7.

*Upon entering the library, you will be asked to use the library hand sanitizer.

* Masks will be available although not mandatory.

*Staff and volunteers will wipe down surfaces as much as possible.

*A limited number of customers will be allowed in each room.

Limited Services Offered:

*Check out of materials.

*Indoor access to WIFI

*Copy Machine

Not available at this time:


*Group meetings, programs or activities

*Digitizing Services

*Any “one on one” help requiring contact less than 6’

NOTE: The Koller Library may close unexpectedly if the Vilas County Dept. of Health reports a substantial increase in virus cases.

Despite our best efforts, we cannot keep a germ-free environment. With this knowledge, entering the library is done so at your own choice.